Juan Diego

Game Developer/Gameplay Programmer
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The Dubstech Protothon Wordmark 2020

I am a Game Developer with 2 years of professional experience as an Unreal engine programmer on AAA teams with extensive knowledge on Gameplay, Animation, Artificail Inteligence(AI), Multiplayer Networking and VR programming. With the flexibility to work in Unreal Engine C++ and Blueprint and the ability of understanding complex game systems. My specialization is in program code for 3D graphic display, multiplayer gaming, artificially intelligent opponents, and real-time virtual environments.. My specialization is in program code for 3D graphic display, multiplayer gaming, artificially intelligent opponents, and real-time virtual environments. My programming languages are C# and C++, Development Tools/APIs direct X, Vulkan, Unreal engine and unity.
When I'm not on the computer, I enjoy dancing, exercising, and playing with my pets.

(TL;DR) Self Proclamations:


Game Developer


Game Desinger


3D Artist

What I've Done

Here is some of the projects and techniques I had work so far. See between the tabs for Programming projects, Game development works and 3d artist works they changes the contend.
If you want to learn more please feel free to contact me.

What I Do


Design isn't just what a product looks like and feels like on the outside. Design encompasses the internal functionality of a product as well as the overall user experience. I strive to design interfaces and experiences that people can enjoy on all digital mediums.



Computers aren't as smart as people tend to think. It takes a great deal of logical thinking to get a code right. Anyone can write code but not everyone can write clean code.



Games can be more than games. Games can bring people together, share things in common and create strong bonds between people. Games need to be engaging and exciting in order for the player to have fun. The most engaging games make the player feel like they’re part of the game world so the player can feel excitement every time they think about playing it.


I've been doing Game Development & 3D Art for over 3 years, from small projects as a freelancer to working with small studios such as Covalent Reality. *

Some technologies I've worked with:





Where I've Worked:

Check out my résumé!

Let's work together!

Whether you have an idea for a project or just want to chat, feel free to shoot me an email!

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