Maze Revolution

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Personal project             

~6 months

Unreal Engine 4


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Reveal Teaser Trailer

Maze Revolution is a futuristic maze ball puzzle. With the objective to survive from getting your energy to life to zero while finding away through the maze


This is a solo project so I had to more than just programming
I was trying to experience as much that I can making this. There is a lot of the assets from 3d party with the exception of the programming and many other aspects of the project.

Some of my responsibilities made in the project was but not limited:
3d Art: UI, ball, buttons, gates

Designer: UI, Level, Light and post process, some effects, sharers

Game design: designs player, maze, feature, obstacles, core gameplay system.

Game developer: only programmer implement all programing and features of the game such player, random systems, gates, UI implementation, game mode,helper code and general code that helps the team works more efficient like settings, UI easy inputs, skills system, etc..

When you're a team of only one, you end up wearing a lot of hats (and I do love hats!).


Some Features of the Game

Level up system Gameplay Mechanics

Level up system- every energy and star orb will give you some XP to leveling up. I used the same leveling up system from the Borderland game.

Skills Abilities Improvement Gameplay Mechanics

Skills abilities improvement- On each level up you will receive skill points that you will use for the improvement of the ball abilities.
This ability consists of the different gameplay mechanics of the ball like energy life, agility, speed and much more.

Ball Bursting Speed Gameplay Mechanics

Ball bursting speed - the ball increases exponentially his speed by creating a fire burst that push the ball and increase their speed. This consumes your energy life faster.

Randoms Energy Orbs Gameplay Mechanics

Randoms energy orbs - energy orbs provide energy life and XP to the player. These orbs are positions randomizes in each maze level.


Stars Orbs

Stars orbs - get 1 star to open the gate and advance to the end of the level. You can get up to a maximum of 3 star on each level. A certain number of stars are required to open new levels.


Gate Obstacles

Gate obstacles - there are 3 different gates across the maze levels.

The end gate - need at least 1 start to open. This allows you to pass to end of the level.

The start gate - need to activate the same color button to open the gate, these gates contain the starts obs.

The wall gate - need t o press the square button to activate. This is a flip-flop gate that function as an obstacle wall.


Graphics Settings & Save Game

Graphics Settings - the game can be set tofit best your graphics and performance. You can controller individually as you like.

Save game - the game save all skills improvements, points, XP, levels, etc..


User Interface

the user can select the character and burst effect, but the user interface is not limetesd to only that it has the menu selection, level select, hud, pause menu, skill menu, etc...


Hight Score Gameplay Mechanics

Hight score - a score is creating at the end of the play level based of the time and xp

Programming Code


Maze Revolution is a futuristic maze ball puzzle. With the objective to survive from getting your energy to life to zero while finding a way through the maze