Project Status
Project Type
Project Duration
Software Used
Languages Used
University project
~4 months
Unreal Engine
C++ and Blueprints
Please feel free to play and let me know your opinions. Download the installer and play or the source code to see the entire project
Lordof Kings is an action role-playing game presentedthrough a third-person perspective, with players freely roaming its interactivemap. Gameplay elements include combat featuring two types of weapons with theability to switch characters with a companion AI.
►(Lead programmer)Gameplay,Animation, Replication and AI programmer
■Gameplay programing/Players(Melee and Range):
►Attributes, directional hurt reaction, directional roll,damage trace notifyanim,Targeting System base of Actors and set camera, advance movement inputs, Aiming system, Guard, Combat System, Advance object oriented implementation base of the character type
■Animation programing:
►Advance Properties implementations,Directional blendspace, AO, AnimNotify,IK controls, Advance implementation of state machines, Animation of the Combat system, Advance object oriented implementation base of the character type
■Replication Networking:
►Every Animation, action, math equation like rotations and directional of the Players(Melee and Range)and AI Humans(Melee and Range)Level/Game Designer:Fully implementation of the leveland gameplay Design and set up.
■AI Human(Melee and Range):
►different attacks base of range, directional hurt reaction, Target System, Strafe System, rotation system base of target, melee and range attacks
■AI Boss
►AdvanceBehaviourtree base of combat behaviors and logic, Strafe System,dodge,Attacks base of distance:Leap jump Attack, Leap dash poke attack,Specialattack, four distance reader for Far, medium,midclose, close, 2 different trace attacks, range reader for targeting and UI
For more detail information about the game design the Design and the Post Mortem documents are here!
Implementation of an advance Combat System that can be use for melee or/and range gameplay.This cover every advance topics in Unreal Engine for Gameplay programming like Object oriented, enums,interface and Animation Programming like Ik controls, advance math for reading direction, speed, rotation and Advance State machines. AI is own implementation of combat system and cover every advance topics in Unreal Engine like behaviour tree and eqs.