Gameplay Programming

This is a colection Unreal engine projects of different advance developments of Gameplay programming

Software Used  

Languages Used  

Unreal engine 4/5 and Visual Studio

C++ and Blueprints

Project Content

Melee Combat system
Shooter combat system
For Honor combat system
Interactions Components
Paintgun shooter game and Weapon custom system(OGL work Example development)

Programming Development Explanation

Melee Combat system

I develop this combat system during the making of the Lord of Kings game project.

I will show the gameplay and the programming code used for making this game project.

Gameplay programing/Players(Melee and Range):

Attributes, directional hurt reaction, directional roll,damage trace notifyanim,Targeting System base of Actors and set camera, advance movement inputs, Aiming system, Guard, Combat System, Advance object oriented implementation base of the character type

Feel Free to Download the Installer for the game project.
Game Installer

Shooter combat system

I develop this combat system during the making of the Lord of Kings game project.

I will show the gameplay and the programming code used for making this game project.

Topics cover: C++ clasess, master weapon, fire wepon, Aiming, weapons types, AI system, damge system,

Horror gameplay system
I will show the gameplay and the programming code used for making this game project.

Gameplay programing topic:

Puzzle,Objectives, locks, switch, doors, elevator, AI monster, flashlight, inpection item, pick up item, presion buttom, spawn actors base, gun weapon, melee weapon

For Honor combat system
I will show the gameplay and the programming code used for making this game project.

Gameplay programing topic:

Attributes, directional Attacks, Multiplayer Attacks directional roll, damage trace notifyanim,Targeting System base of Actors and set camera, advance movement inputs, AI Enemy system, Atacks Blocks, heavy/light attacks, stuns, excecutions, guard break

Interaction Components


I develop this during m game project.

I will show the gameplay and the programming code used for making this game project.

Gameplay programing topic:

Blueprints actor and character classes, components, interfaces, animation timeline, etc.