Puzzle Ball

Project Status   

Project Type   

Project Duration   

Software Used   

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on hold         

Personal project             

~1 week

Unreal Engine 4      


Play my Game!

Please feel free to play and let me know your opinions. Download the installer and play or the source code to see the entire project!

Grab to Play! Source Code!

Reveal Teaser Trailer

Puzzle Ball is a calmly puzzle game focus on the trying to light up the same buttons as the objective. Solve a new puzzle every single time. Challenge yourself with every puzzle and enjoy a relaxing entreating experience.


this game was more as a simple puzzle project that can be made in just one day. I made everything from scratch using maya and Unreal engine 4.

Some of my responsibilities made in the project was but not limited:
3d Art: UI, models

Designer: UI, Level, Light and post process, some effects, sharers

Game design: designs puzzle, feature, level, core gameplay system

Game developer: only programmer implement all programing and features of the game such puzzle, UI implementation, game mode.

When you're a team of only one, you end up wearing a lot of hats (and I do love hats!).


Some Features of the Game

Random Gameplay Mechanics

Random- Every time you start the game will be an entire new experience during the puzzle.

Programming Code


The game is design to be with fluid and precises movement and mechanics with a full of challenges puzzles that are very different from each other’s and requires different tactics solve the puzzle ball.

The main idea was to make a mobile puzzle game that each time you play it would have a different puzzle pattern, the game was meant for having a relaxing and entertain time will playing the game.