using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; public class PlayerController_UnityChan : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] // This will make the variable below appear in the inspector float playerSpeed = 9; [SerializeField] // This will make the variable below appear in the inspector public float airspeed = 12; [SerializeField] public float jumpHeight = 10; [SerializeField] float gravityValue = 30; [HideInInspector] public Vector3 moveDirection =; Vector3 move =; public Vector2 pushBack =; Vector3 rotation =; public CharacterController controller; MeshRenderer material; [SerializeField] public SceneCamera sceneCamera; bool isWalking = false; bool isGrounded; public bool paused; //bool isJumping; // "controller.isGrounded" can be used instead [SerializeField] int nrOfAlowedDJumps = 2; // New vairable int dJumpCounter = 0; // New variable bool doubleJump = false; // this make sure to know change in direction and that way divide airspeed by 2 public bool right; public bool left; // coyote time [SerializeField] float coyoteTime = 0.2f; float coyoteCounter; //Resource Variables public int HP = 100; private int maxHP; public int Mana = 100; private int maxMana; //Hurt variables private bool frozen; private float launch; [SerializeField] private float launchRecovery; [SerializeField] private Vector3 launchPower; //Respown Variables//WIP [HideInInspector] public Vector3 respawnPosition; [HideInInspector] public bool haveCheckPoint = false; //Animations Variables [SerializeField] internal Animator animator; internal string currentState; bool haveSword = false; bool comboPossible; int comboStep; [SerializeField] public GameObject drawSword; [SerializeField] public GameObject unDrawSword; //collision variables internal RaycastHit hit; internal bool raycastHit; [SerializeField] int rayRange; //Dash Variables [SerializeField] float dashTime = 0.1f; [SerializeField] float dashSpeed = 30.0f; [SerializeField] //float coolDowntDashTime = 1f; //Attack Variables public float attackDuration; [HideInInspector] public int attackPower; public int attack = 25; private bool isAttacking = false; private bool canAttack = true; public int attackRange = 3; [SerializeField] GameObject attackWeapon; public float weaponStartRotation = 15; public Vector3 spawnLocation; public bool playerIsDead = false; public Collider swordCollider; //WallJump Variables public float wallMultiplier = 0.75F; public float wallJumpSpeed = 6.0F; private float currentWallMultiplier; private bool wallCollision; bool isWallSliding; bool isTouchingWall; public LayerMask Wall; public float wallSlideSpeed=3; public int wallrayRange = 1; int faceDirection; bool wallJumping; public int WJumpCounter; //Animator Functions public AudioSource sfxAudioSource; public ParticleSystem ParticuleSource; //public GameObject animatorFunctions; bool playAnimation; int playAnimationSpeed = 6; public float coolDownTime = 4; private float nextFireTime = 0; public GameObject particuleDead; public GameObject particuleHit; public GameObject particuleAttack; public GameObject particuleDust; public GameObject WeponTrail; public GameObject DashTrail; public GameObject particuleSCH; public Dictionary inventory = new Dictionary(); //Dictionary storing all inventory item strings and values //public Sprite inventoryItemBlank; //The default inventory item slot sprite //public Sprite keySprite; //The key inventory item //public Sprite keyGemSprite; //The gem key inventory item private bool isDshing=false; Vector3 movedash; Bounds box; void Start() { maxHP = HP; maxMana = Mana; material = GetComponent(); controller = gameObject.GetComponent(); drawSword.SetActive(true); unDrawSword.SetActive(false); haveSword = true; spawnLocation = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Respawn").transform.position; transform.position = spawnLocation; HUDScript.pauseGame += Pause; box = new Bounds(, ((Vector3.right * 1500) + (Vector3.up * 1500) + (Vector3.forward*200))); } void Update() { if (!paused) { if (HP > maxHP) { HP = maxHP; } if (Mana > maxMana) { Mana = maxMana; } //transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, 0); transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, 0); if (!playerIsDead) { isGrounded = controller.isGrounded; //Gamemanager.Instance.playerScript.ParticuleSource = AnimatorFunctions.Instance.playStepEmitParticles; pushBack = Vector2.Lerp(pushBack,, 6 * Time.deltaTime); //Raycast hits bools raycastHit = Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.forward, out hit, rayRange); isTouchingWall = Physics.Raycast(transform.position, transform.forward, out hit, wallrayRange, Wall); animator.SetFloat("speed", Mathf.Abs(move.x)); animator.SetBool("ground", controller.isGrounded); //animator.SetBool("grounded", controller.isGrounded); //animator.SetFloat("velocityY", moveDirection.y); //animator.SetFloat("velocityX", move.x); //animator.SetBool("IsWalking", isWalking); if (controller.isGrounded && moveDirection.y <= 0) { moveDirection.y = 0f; } animator.SetFloat("speed.y", moveDirection.y); move = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0, 0); //controller.Move(move * Time.deltaTime * playerSpeed); if (move != { gameObject.transform.forward = move; } //else if (isDshing) //{ // if (gameObject.transform.forward.x >=0) // { // move.x = 1; // } // else // { // move.x = -1; // } //} //if (move == //{ // rotation = new Vector3(0,180,0); // gameObject.transform. = new Vector3(0, 180, 0); //} // Dash(); if (controller.isGrounded) { move.x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * playerSpeed; //move.x = Mathf.Lerp(0, Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * playerSpeed, 4f); //controller.Move(move * Time.deltaTime * playerSpeed); //moveDirection.x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * playerSpeed; right = false; left = false; //isWalking = false; coyoteCounter = coyoteTime; dJumpCounter = 0; doubleJump = false; } else if (!controller.isGrounded) { if (move.x >= 0) { faceDirection = 1; move.x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * airspeed; ////debug.log("right"); right = true; //isWalking = true; if (left) { faceDirection = -1; if (!wallJumping) move.x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * airspeed / 2; //controller.Move((move * Time.deltaTime * airspeed)/2); ////debug.log("Change left"); //moveDirection.x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * airspeed / 2; right = false; } } else if (move.x <= 0) { faceDirection = -1; move.x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * airspeed; ////debug.log("left"); left = true; //isWalking = true; if (right) { faceDirection = 1; if (!wallJumping) move.x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * airspeed / 2; //controller.Move((move * Time.deltaTime * airspeed)/2); ////debug.log("Change right"); //moveDirection.x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * airspeed / 2; left = false; } } coyoteCounter -= Time.deltaTime; } if (Input.GetAxis("LaserHold") < 0) { move.x = 0; } //controller.Move((move + (Vector3)pushBack) * Time.deltaTime); if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && !playAnimation) { if (controller.isGrounded && coyoteCounter > 0 && dJumpCounter == 0) { animator.SetTrigger("jump"); Gamemanager.Instance.animatorFunctionsScript.PlayJumpSound(); //Gamemanager.Instance.animatorFunctionsScript.PlayStepEmitParticles(); GameObject newparticule = (GameObject)Instantiate(particuleDust, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); Destroy(newparticule, 1); moveDirection.y = jumpHeight; dJumpCounter ++; //controller.transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, transform.position.y + 10, 0); } if (!controller.isGrounded && dJumpCounter < nrOfAlowedDJumps) { animator.SetTrigger("doubleJump"); Gamemanager.Instance.animatorFunctionsScript.PlayJumpSound(); Gamemanager.Instance.animatorFunctionsScript.PlayStepEmitParticles(); moveDirection.y = jumpHeight; dJumpCounter++; } } if (!controller.isGrounded) { //player fall or gravity if (isWallSliding) { //moveDirection = new Vector3(moveDirection.x, 0, 0); moveDirection = new Vector3(moveDirection.x, -wallSlideSpeed, 0); print("isWallSliding"); } else if (wallCollision) { moveDirection.y -= gravityValue * Time.deltaTime * currentWallMultiplier; } else { moveDirection.y -= gravityValue * Time.deltaTime /** currentWallMultiplier*/; } } //moveDirection.y -= gravityValue * Time.deltaTime * currentWallMultiplier; //movement of the player //CollisionFlags Movecollision = controller.Move(moveDirection * Time.deltaTime); //fix stuck above if ((controller.collisionFlags & CollisionFlags.Above) != 0) { ////debug.log("player on slides"); moveDirection.y -= 1; } //if ((controller.collisionFlags & CollisionFlags.CollidedSides) != 0) //{ // //debug.log("player on slides"); // moveDirection.y -= 1; //} if (Input.GetButtonDown("DrawSword")) { if (!haveSword) { haveSword = true; ////debug.log("haveSword = true"); } else { ////debug.log("haveSword = false"); haveSword = false; } animator.SetBool("haveSword", haveSword); animator.SetTrigger("DrawSword"); } if ( (Input.GetAxis("Vertical") > 0.1f && Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") || (Input.GetButtonDown("SJ"))) && !playAnimation && haveSword) { SJ(); } if (Mana >= 10) { if ((Mathf.Round(Input.GetAxisRaw("SCH")) > 0 && !playAnimation && haveSword)) { animator.SetTrigger("SCH"); //Gamemanager.Instance.animatorFunctionsScript.PlayOnHitSound(); GameObject newparticule = (GameObject)Instantiate(particuleSCH, transform.position + new Vector3(Random.Range(0, 2), Random.Range(1, 3)), Quaternion.identity); Destroy(newparticule, 1); playAnimationSpeed = 2; attackPower = 30; Mana -= 10; StartCoroutine(AtivateAttack()); } } if (Input.GetButtonDown("SD") && !playAnimation && haveSword) { animator.SetTrigger("SD"); //Gamemanager.Instance.animatorFunctionsScript.PlayOnHitSound(); //GameObject newparticule = (GameObject)Instantiate(particuleHit, transform.position + new Vector3(Random.Range(0, 2), Random.Range(1, 3)), Quaternion.identity); //Destroy(newparticule, 1); attackPower = 20; playAnimationSpeed = 4; StartCoroutine(AtivateAttack()); } CheckIfWallSliding(); //function Health(); //UpdateAnimations(); //RespawnPosition(); Attack(); //transform.position.Set(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, 0); if (playAnimation) { move.x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * playAnimationSpeed / 2; } else { //checks attackPower = attack; } if (Time.time > nextFireTime) DashTrail.SetActive(false); if (Time.time > nextFireTime) { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Dash")) { movedash =; if (move == { if (gameObject.transform.forward.x >= 0) { movedash.x = 1 * playerSpeed; } else { movedash.x = -1 * playerSpeed; } } if (Input.GetAxis("Vertical") > 0.1f) { movedash.y = 1 * playerSpeed; movedash.x = 0; } if(Mathf.Abs (Input.GetAxis("Horizontal")) > 0) { movedash.x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * playerSpeed; //movedash.y = 0; } animator.SetTrigger("dash"); StartCoroutine(DashCoroutine()); nextFireTime = Time.time + coolDownTime; } } if (isDshing) { move = movedash * dashSpeed; } else { move += (Vector3)pushBack + moveDirection; } controller.Move((Vector2)move * Time.deltaTime); controller.transform.position = new Vector3(controller.transform.position.x, controller.transform.position.y, 0); } } } public void CoolDown() { //if (Input.GetButton("Fire1") && Time.time > NextFire) //{ // //If the player fired, reset the NextFire time to a new point in the future. // NextFire = Time.time + FireRate; // //Weapon firing logic goes here. // //debug.log("Firing once every 1s"); //} } public void SJ() { if (!controller.isGrounded && dJumpCounter < nrOfAlowedDJumps) { animator.SetTrigger("SJ"); StartCoroutine(AtivateAttack()); Gamemanager.Instance.animatorFunctionsScript.PlayJumpSound(); Gamemanager.Instance.animatorFunctionsScript.PlayStepEmitParticles(); moveDirection.y = jumpHeight+2; dJumpCounter++; } } public void AddInventoryItem(string inventoryName, Sprite image = null) { inventory.Add(inventoryName, image); //The blank sprite should now swap with key sprite //Gamemanager.Instance.inventoryItemImage //GameManager.Instance.inventoryItemImage.sprite = inventory[inventoryName]; } public void RemoveInventoryItem(string inventoryName, bool removeAll = false) { if (!removeAll) { inventory.Remove(inventoryName); } else { inventory.Clear(); } inventory.Remove(inventoryName); //The blank sprite should now swap with key sprite //GameManager.Instance.inventoryItemImage.sprite = inventoryItemBlank; } //WallJump private void OnControllerColliderHit(ControllerColliderHit hit) { if ((hit.normal.y < 0.1f && !controller.isGrounded /*&& isWallSliding*/&& !playAnimation) && (controller.collisionFlags & CollisionFlags.Above) == 0) { if(hit.gameObject.tag == "Wall") { //dJumpCounter = 1; } if (!controller.isGrounded && hit.normal.x > 0.1f) { dJumpCounter = 1; } //print("WallColided"); currentWallMultiplier = wallMultiplier; //dJumpCounter = 1; wallCollision = true; if (Input.GetButtonDown("Jump") && !playAnimation /*&& WJumpCounter < 1*/) { dJumpCounter = 0; moveDirection = hit.normal * airspeed * 2 * wallJumpSpeed; moveDirection.y = jumpHeight; //print("walljump"); WJumpCounter++; } //moveDirection.x = Mathf.Lerp(moveDirection.x, 0, 1f); moveDirection.x = 0; if (controller.isGrounded) { //print("wall in air"); //moveDirection.x = Mathf.Lerp(moveDirection.x / 2, 0, .5f); } } else { if (!controller.isGrounded) { //dJumpCounter = 1; } moveDirection.x = 0; currentWallMultiplier = 1.0F; wallCollision = false; WJumpCounter = 0; } } private void CheckIfWallSliding() { if (isTouchingWall && move.x != 0) { StartCoroutine(AtivatWallSliding()); } else { isWallSliding = false; } } private IEnumerator AtivatWallSliding() { float timer = .2f; while (timer > 0) { if (!paused) { timer -= Time.deltaTime; } yield return null; } //yield return new WaitForSeconds(.2f); isWallSliding = true; } private void Health() { if (!box.Contains(transform.position)) { HP = 0; } //If health < 0, destroy me if (HP <= 0) { animator.SetTrigger("Dead"); GameObject newparticule = (GameObject)Instantiate(particuleDead, transform.position, Quaternion.identity); Destroy(newparticule, 1); Gamemanager.Instance.HUDScript.YouDied(); //Gamemanager.Instance.animatorFunctionsScript.PlayDieSound(); if (!playerIsDead) StartCoroutine(Death()); } } public IEnumerator Death() { playerIsDead = true; float timer = 1; while (timer > 0) { timer -= Time.deltaTime; yield return null; } transform.position = spawnLocation; HP = maxHP; playerIsDead = false; } public void Hurt(int attackPower, int targetSide) { animator.SetTrigger("takeDamage"); Gamemanager.Instance.animatorFunctionsScript.PlayOnHitSound(); GameObject newparticule = (GameObject)Instantiate(particuleHit, transform.position + new Vector3(Random.Range(0, 2), Random.Range(1, 3)), Quaternion.identity); Destroy(newparticule, 1); StartCoroutine(FreezeEffect(1f, .3f)); move.x = targetSide * launchPower.x; moveDirection.y = launchPower.y; HP -= attackPower; } public IEnumerator FreezeEffect(float length, float timeScale) { move.x = 0; float timer = length; yield return new WaitForSeconds(length); while (timer > 0) { if (!paused) { timer -= Time.deltaTime; } yield return null; } } private void UpdateAnimations() { animator.SetBool("ground", controller.isGrounded); animator.SetBool("grounded", controller.isGrounded); animator.SetFloat("velocityY", moveDirection.y); animator.SetFloat("velocityX", move.x); animator.SetBool("IsWalking", isWalking); } //=================================================/ //State management //=================================================/ internal void UpdateAnimationsState(string newState) { if (newState != currentState) { animator.Play(newState); currentState = newState; } } private void OnDrawGizmos() { Debug.DrawRay(new Vector3(controller.transform.position.x, controller.transform.position.y + 1, controller.transform.position.z), controller.transform.forward * rayRange,; } public void RespawnPosition() { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire2")) { //HP = 0; } } void weaponColliderOn() { swordCollider.enabled = true; //Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(6, 7, false); WeponTrail.SetActive(true); } void weaponColliderOff() { swordCollider.enabled = false; //Physics.IgnoreLayerCollision(6, 7, true); WeponTrail.SetActive(false); } void Attack() { if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") && !canAttack && isAttacking) animator.SetTrigger("Combo"); if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1") && canAttack) { AttackCombo(); StartCoroutine(AtivateAttack()); } } private IEnumerator AtivateAttack() { canAttack = false; isAttacking = true; playAnimation = true; float timer = attackDuration; while (timer > 0) { if (!paused) { timer -= Time.deltaTime; } yield return null; } isAttacking = false; canAttack = true; } void AttackCombo() { if (comboStep == 0) { if (haveSword) { animator.Play("WGS_attackA1"); playAnimationSpeed = 6; GameObject newparticule = (GameObject)Instantiate(particuleAttack, transform.position + new Vector3(Random.Range(-2, 2), Random.Range(0, 3)), Quaternion.identity); Destroy(newparticule, 1); } else { animator.SetTrigger("attack"); } comboStep = 1; return; } if (comboStep != 0) { if (comboPossible) { comboPossible = false; comboStep += 1; } } } public void ComboPossible() { comboPossible = true; } public void Combo() { if (haveSword) { if (comboStep == 2) { animator.Play("WGS_attackA2"); playAnimationSpeed = 6; } if (comboStep == 3) { animator.Play("WGS_attackA3"); playAnimationSpeed = 12; } if (comboStep == 4) { animator.Play("WGS_attackA4"); playAnimationSpeed = -6; } } } public void ComboReset() { comboPossible = false; comboStep = 0; playAnimation = false; } private IEnumerator DashCoroutine() { Gamemanager.Instance.animatorFunctionsScript.PlayDashSound(); float startTime = Time.time; // need to remember this to know how long to dash while (Time.time < startTime + dashTime) { if (!paused) { //move.y = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * playerSpeed; //controller.Move(move * dashSpeed * Time.deltaTime); //controller.Move((move + (Vector3)pushBack + moveDirection) * dashSpeed * Time.deltaTime); //move.x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * dashSpeed * Time.deltaTime; //moveDirection.x *= dashSpeed; //moveDirection.y *= dashSpeed; isDshing = true; DashTrail.SetActive(true); } else { startTime += Time.deltaTime; } yield return null; // this will make Unity stop here and continue next frame } isDshing = false; } public void PlayStepSound() { Gamemanager.Instance.animatorFunctionsScript.PlayStepSound(); } public void PlayAttackSound() { Gamemanager.Instance.animatorFunctionsScript.PlayHitSound(); Gamemanager.Instance.animatorFunctionsScript.PlayHitEmitParticles(); } public void PlayOnHit() { Gamemanager.Instance.animatorFunctionsScript.PlayOnHitSound(); Gamemanager.Instance.animatorFunctionsScript.PlayOnHitEmitParticles(); } public void PlayDustEmit() { //AnimatorFunctions.Instance.PlayStepEmitParticles(); Gamemanager.Instance.animatorFunctionsScript.PlayStepEmitParticles(); } public void PlayWeponEmit() { //AnimatorFunctions.Instance.PlayStepEmitParticles(); Gamemanager.Instance.animatorFunctionsScript.PlayStepEmitParticles(); } public void DrawSword() { drawSword.SetActive(true); unDrawSword.SetActive(false); } public void UnDrawSword() { drawSword.SetActive(false); unDrawSword.SetActive(true); } public void Pause() { paused = !paused; if (paused) { animator.enabled = false; } else { animator.enabled = true; } } private void OnDestroy() { HUDScript.pauseGame -= Pause; } }