using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class PatrolEnemy : MonoBehaviour { EnemyAI enemyScript; Rigidbody rb; [Header("Object reference for prefab")] [SerializeField] GameObject face; [SerializeField] GameObject model; [SerializeField] GameObject parent; [SerializeField] GameObject chaseDetection; [HideInInspector] public Animator modelAnim; float lookAroundTimer;//Timer to determine if enemy should play idle animation bool isWaiting;//Waiting for idle anim to end; [Space] [Header("Basic properties")] public float basicSpeed;//Walking speed float speed;//Speed the enemy is moving at public bool faceLeft = true;//Direction currently facing bool prevFacing;//Facing direction from previous fram private int targetSide;//Target side for hurting player public bool paused;//Is paused? #region Attack Variables [Space] [Header("Attack properties")] public float attackDelay = 3;//Delay between each attack float attackTimer = 0;//Timer to count the attack delay public int damage = 25; public float attackDistance = 2; public float attackAngle = 90;//Angle of attack [SerializeField] Vector3 pivotAdjust;//Adjust where the enemy is looking, relative to the player's position [HideInInspector] public bool canAttack = true; [Space] public float afterAttackDelay;//Delay where the enemy cannot do anything after attacking float afterAttackTimer = 0;//Timer to count after attack delay float attackingDelay = .15f;//Time to sync with animation float runningattackingTimer;//Timer to count for attacking delay bool hasAttacked = true; [Space] [Tooltip("Amount of time to react to changing direction")] public float chaseDelay;//Delay between changing directions to respond to the player [SerializeField] float chasingSpeed;//Running speed [HideInInspector] public float chaseTimer;//Timer to count the chase delay [HideInInspector] public bool chasePlayer = false;//Is chasing the palyer? #endregion bool playAnimation; // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { rb = GetComponent(); enemyScript = GetComponent(); enemyScript.parent = parent; modelAnim = model.GetComponent(); if (faceLeft) // { // rb.velocity = Vector2.left * speed; // targetSide = -1; // } //Set the inital direction of movement else // { // rb.velocity = Vector2.right * speed; // targetSide = 1; // } // lookAroundTimer = Random.Range(10f, 20f);//Set idle delay } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (!paused) { if (chasePlayer && !isWaiting) { if (prevFacing != Gamemanager.Instance.player.transform.position.x < transform.position.x) //If the player is currently behind the enemy { // ////debug.log("faceLeft != prevFacing"); // chaseTimer = chaseDelay; // } // else { if (chaseTimer <= 0) // { // faceLeft = Gamemanager.Instance.player.transform.position.x < transform.position.x ? true : false; //Set the new facing direction } // chaseTimer -= Time.deltaTime; // } speed = chasingSpeed;//Set to running speed } else { speed = basicSpeed;//Walking speed } if (enemyScript.afterDamageTimer <= 0 && afterAttackTimer <= 0 && !isWaiting) // { //Set velocity based on direction rb.velocity = (faceLeft ? Vector3.left : Vector3.right) * speed; // } // if (lookAroundTimer <= 0) //Play idle animation { // if (!chasePlayer && enemyScript.afterDamageTimer <= 0 && afterAttackTimer <= 0) //If not in the middle of fighting the player { // rb.velocity =; //Stop enemy int trigger = Random.Range(1, 3); //Random choice to scream or look around if (trigger == 1) // { // modelAnim.SetTrigger("Look"); // } // else // { // modelAnim.SetTrigger("Scream"); // } // lookAroundTimer = Random.Range(10f, 20f); //Set the timer } // } // else // { // lookAroundTimer -= Time.deltaTime; //Decrement the timer if > 0 } // if (faceLeft) //Set the models and triggers { //depending on facing direction face.transform.localPosition = (Vector3.left + Vector3.up) * .5f; // model.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.down * 90); // model.transform.localPosition = Vector3.right * .04f + Vector3.down; // chaseDetection.transform.localPosition = Vector3.left * 1.25f; // } // else // { // face.transform.localPosition = (Vector3.right + Vector3.up) * .5f; // model.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.up * 90); // model.transform.localPosition = Vector3.left * .04f + Vector3.down; // chaseDetection.transform.localPosition = Vector3.right * 1.25f; // } // Attack(); AfterAttack(); ChooseAnimation(); prevFacing = Gamemanager.Instance.player.transform.position.x < transform.position.x; //if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) //{ // modelAnim.SetTrigger("Dizzy"); //} } } public void SwapDirection() //Changing directions { rb.velocity = new Vector2(rb.velocity.x * -1, rb.velocity.y); faceLeft = !faceLeft; face.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(face.transform.localPosition.x * -1, face.transform.localPosition.y, face.transform.localPosition.z); targetSide *= -1; } #region Attack void Attack() { //Draw attack angle lines float y = Mathf.Tan(Mathf.Deg2Rad * (attackAngle/2)); Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, ((faceLeft ? Vector3.left : Vector3.right) + (Vector3.up * y)).normalized * attackDistance + transform.position,; Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, ((faceLeft ? Vector3.left : Vector3.right) + (Vector3.down * y)).normalized * attackDistance + transform.position,; Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, (faceLeft ? Vector3.left : Vector3.right) * attackDistance,; if (Vector3.Distance(transform.position, Gamemanager.Instance.player.transform.position + pivotAdjust) <= attackDistance && !isWaiting) //Check if in range and not in idle anim { //modelAnim.SetTrigger("Scream"); //if (modelAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Scream")) //{ // rb.velocity =; //} Vector3 targetDir = Gamemanager.Instance.player.transform.position + pivotAdjust - transform.position; //direction towards player float angle = Vector3.Angle(targetDir, (faceLeft ? Vector3.left : Vector3.right) * attackDistance); //Angle of the direction Debug.DrawRay(transform.position, targetDir,; if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, targetDir, out RaycastHit r, attackDistance)) //Check if the player is in range { //of the enemy's attack distance if (angle <= attackAngle && r.collider.gameObject.CompareTag("Player")) // { // rb.velocity =; //Stop the enemy if (canAttack && attackTimer <= 0) // { // chasePlayer = true; //Set the enemy to attack and change its modelAnim.SetTrigger("Attack"); //state to chase the player Attacking(); // attackTimer = attackDelay; // } // } // } // } // if (attackTimer > 0) //Attack cooldown timer { attackTimer -= Time.deltaTime; } } void Attacking()//Set variables to indicate in the middle of attacking { canAttack = false; rb.velocity =; afterAttackTimer = afterAttackDelay; runningattackingTimer = attackingDelay; hasAttacked = false; //Gamemanager.Instance.playerScript.Hurt(damParam, targetSide);//this the fuction for the player get damage } public void HitPlayer() { //Rycast to make sure player is still in range, hit if is Vector3 targetDir = Gamemanager.Instance.player.transform.position + pivotAdjust - transform.position; float angle = Vector3.Angle(targetDir, (faceLeft ? Vector3.left : Vector3.right) * attackDistance); if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, targetDir, out RaycastHit r, attackDistance)) { if (angle <= attackAngle && r.collider.gameObject.CompareTag("Player")) { Gamemanager.Instance.playerScript.Hurt(damage, targetSide);//this the fuction for the player get damage } } } void AfterAttack() { if (runningattackingTimer > 0) //Timer to delay hit until animation catches up { // runningattackingTimer -= Time.deltaTime; // } // else { // if (!hasAttacked) // { // HitPlayer(); //Actual attacking function hasAttacked = true; // } // } // if (afterAttackTimer > 0) // afterAttackTimer -= Time.deltaTime; // else //Delay to reset ability to attack { // canAttack = true; // } // } void ChooseAnimation() { if (!modelAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Look") && !modelAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("Scream")) // { // isWaiting = false; // } //If in the middle of idle anim, else { //waiting == true, isWaiting = true; //otherwise false } // float absVel = Mathf.Abs(rb.velocity.x); // if (absVel != 0) { // if (absVel == basicSpeed) // { // modelAnim.SetTrigger("Walk"); // } //Set animation based on speed else { // modelAnim.SetTrigger("Run"); // } // } // else { // if (!isWaiting) // { // modelAnim.SetTrigger("Idle"); // } // } // } #endregion public void Pause(int pauseOverride = 2) { if (pauseOverride == 2) { paused = !paused; } else if (pauseOverride == 1) { paused = true; } else if (pauseOverride == 0) { paused = false; } if (paused) { modelAnim.enabled = false; } else { modelAnim.enabled = true; } } public void ResetAnim() { playAnimation = false; } }