using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AI; public class EnemyAI : MonoBehaviour { [HideInInspector] public GameObject parent; [HideInInspector] public Rigidbody rb; //[SerializeField] public MeshRenderer mesh; public GameObject FlotingTextPrefab; public GameObject DropOrb; public GameObject ManaOrb; public GameObject particuleExplode; public GameObject particuleHit; public GameObject particuleAttack; [HideInInspector] public PatrolEnemy patrolScript = null; [HideInInspector] public TurretEnemy turretScript = null; [HideInInspector] public FlyingEnemy flyScript = null; [HideInInspector] public SlamEnemy slamScript = null; [HideInInspector] public ShootScript shootScript = null; [HideInInspector] public BreakableObject breakScript = null; [HideInInspector] public BossMain bossScript = null; bool deathHasBeenTriggered; float destroyTimer; public int HP = 100; bool isdeath = false; public bool paused; #region Damaged Variables private bool canTakeDamage = true; [SerializeField] float afterDamageDelay; [HideInInspector] public float afterDamageTimer = 0; bool pausedUsedInDeath; Animator anim = null; public bool frozen; [SerializeField] float frozenTimer; float runningFrozen; [SerializeField] bool useOrbs = true; //public Vector3 damageForce; #endregion public AudioSource sfxAudioSource; //public ParticleSystem ParticuleSource; //public AnimatorFunctions animatorFunctions; // public Vector3 moveDirection; bool playAnimation; #region Unused variables(Has link to other comments of code) //private bool isAttacking = false; //RaycastHit hit; //public NavMeshAgent agent; //private bool attackAgin = true; //public int attackRange = 3; #endregion // Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { //Gamemanager.Instance.animatorFunctionsScript.PlayDieEmitParticles(); //AnimatorFunctions.Instance.PlayDieEmitParticles(); //mesh = GetComponent(); rb = GetComponent(); // mesh = GetComponent(); TryGetComponent(out patrolScript); TryGetComponent(out turretScript); TryGetComponent(out flyScript); TryGetComponent(out slamScript); TryGetComponent(out shootScript); TryGetComponent(out breakScript); TryGetComponent(out bossScript); HUDScript.pauseGame += Pause; } // Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (!paused) { if (transform.position.z != 0) { transform.position.Set(transform.position.x, transform.position.y, 0); } if (runningFrozen > 0) { runningFrozen -= Time.deltaTime; } else { frozen = false; if (patrolScript) { patrolScript.Pause(0); } else if (flyScript) { flyScript.Pause(0); if (shootScript && flyScript.shootScriptOnStart) { shootScript.enabled = true; } } else if (slamScript) { slamScript.Pause(0); } else if (turretScript) { turretScript.Pause(0); if (shootScript && turretScript.shootScriptOnStart) { shootScript.enabled = true; } } else if (bossScript) { bossScript.Pause(0); } } if (frozen) { if (patrolScript) { //patrolScript.Pause(1); patrolScript.modelAnim.SetTrigger("Dizzy"); } else if (flyScript) { flyScript.Pause(1); } else if (slamScript) { slamScript.Pause(1); if (slamScript.GetComponent().isPaused) { slamScript.GetComponent().Play(); } } else if (turretScript) { turretScript.Pause(1); } else if (bossScript) { bossScript.Pause(1); } if (shootScript) { shootScript.enabled = false; } } //agent.destination = player.transform.position; Health(); AfterDamage(); } //if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) //{ // patrolScript.modelAnim.SetTrigger("Dizzy"); //} } #region Damage public void takeDamage(int damage, bool freezeHit = false) { ////debug.log("Enemy got hit"); frozen = freezeHit; if (frozen) { runningFrozen = frozenTimer; //if (patrolScript) //{ // patrolScript.modelAnim.SetTrigger("Dizzy"); //} } if (canTakeDamage) { canTakeDamage = false; if (!bossScript && !flyScript) { rb.velocity =; } //mesh.material.color =; afterDamageTimer = afterDamageDelay; if (patrolScript) { patrolScript.canAttack = false; patrolScript.chasePlayer = true; patrolScript.chaseTimer = patrolScript.chaseDelay; } HP -= damage; if (HP > 0) { if (patrolScript) { patrolScript.modelAnim.SetTrigger("Hit"); } else if (flyScript) { flyScript.modelAnim.SetTrigger("Hit"); } else if (slamScript) { slamScript.modelAnim.SetTrigger("Hit"); } else if (turretScript) { turretScript.modelAnim.SetTrigger("Hit"); } else if (bossScript) { bossScript.takedamage(); } } Gamemanager.Instance.animatorFunctionsScript.PlayOnHitSound(); GameObject newparticule = (GameObject)Instantiate(particuleHit, transform.position + new Vector3(0, Random.Range(0, 2)), Quaternion.identity); Destroy(newparticule, 1); if (!frozen && !bossScript && !"DestructableBox")) { KnockbackHit(); } //mesh.material.color =; StartCoroutine(FreezeEffect(.1f, .3f)); afterDamageTimer = afterDamageDelay; canTakeDamage = false; ////debug.log("Enemy got hit"); if (patrolScript) { patrolScript.canAttack = false; patrolScript.chasePlayer = true; patrolScript.chaseTimer = patrolScript.chaseDelay; } if (FlotingTextPrefab != null && HP > 0 && !"DestructableBox")) { ShowFlotingText(); } //rb.AddForce((patrolScript.targetSide * 4,0,0),1); //rb.transform.localPosition.y += 4f; Health(); } } public IEnumerator FreezeEffect(float length, float timeScale) { //mesh.material.color = Color.white; //Time.timeScale = timeScale; yield return new WaitForSeconds(length); //mesh.material.color =; //Time.timeScale = 1; } public void KnockbackHit() { if (!paused && !frozen) { moveDirection = ((Vector2)transform.position - (Vector2)Gamemanager.Instance.player.transform.position).normalized; rb.AddForce((Vector2)moveDirection * 200f); } //rb.(moveDirection * -500f); } void AfterDamage() { if (afterDamageTimer > 0) afterDamageTimer -= Time.deltaTime; else { //mesh.material.color =; canTakeDamage = true; } } #endregion private void Health() { //If health < 0, destroy me if (HP <= 0) { if (!isdeath) { if (useOrbs) { var go = Instantiate(DropOrb, transform.position + new Vector3(Random.Range(-2, 2), Random.Range(0, 3)), Quaternion.identity); go = Instantiate(ManaOrb, transform.position + new Vector3(Random.Range(-2, 2), Random.Range(0, 3)), Quaternion.identity); int amountToDrop = Random.Range(1, 4); ////debug.log("Dropped Orb amount: " + amountToDrop); for (int i = 0; i < amountToDrop; i++) { int rand = Random.Range(1, 101); ////debug.log("Random Number: " + rand); if (rand > 25) { go = Instantiate(DropOrb, transform.position + new Vector3(Random.Range(0, 2), Random.Range(0, 3)), Quaternion.identity); ////debug.log("Health Orb"); } else { go = Instantiate(ManaOrb, transform.position + new Vector3(Random.Range(0, 2), Random.Range(0, 3)), Quaternion.identity); ////debug.log("Mana Orb"); } } } Gamemanager.Instance.playerScript.sceneCamera.Shake(5, 0.2f); //Gamemanager.Instance.animatorFunctionsScript.PlayDieEmitParticles(); Instantiate(particuleExplode, transform.position /*+ new Vector3(0, Random.Range(0,2))*/, Quaternion.identity); isdeath = true; } else { //animatorFunctions.PlayDieSound(); //sfxAudioSource.Play(Gamemanager.Instance.animatorFunctionsScript.PlayDieSound()); Death(); } } } private void Death() { if (!bossScript) { if (breakScript) { breakScript.ChangeShape(); return; } if (patrolScript) { anim = patrolScript.modelAnim; patrolScript.enabled = false; } else if (turretScript) { anim = turretScript.modelAnim; turretScript.enabled = false; } else if (flyScript) { anim = flyScript.modelAnim; flyScript.enabled = false; } else if (slamScript) { anim = slamScript.modelAnim; slamScript.enabled = false; } anim.enabled = true; if (shootScript) { shootScript.enabled = false; } if (!deathHasBeenTriggered) { anim.SetBool("Death", true); rb.useGravity = true; deathHasBeenTriggered = true; } else { AnimatorStateInfo info = anim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0); if (info.IsName("Destroy")) { DestroySelf(); ////debug.log("Death"); } //DestroySelf(); } } else { bossScript.Death(); } ////debug.log("Death"); } void DestroySelf() { //Destroy(parent); //Destroy(gameObject); if (patrolScript) { //Instantiate(particuleExplode, transform.position /*+ new Vector3(0, Random.Range(0,2))*/, Quaternion.identity); Destroy(parent);//Do not change this, deleting the parent deletes all of the children //Destroy(gameObject); } else { //Instantiate(particuleExplode, transform.position /*+ new Vector3(0, Random.Range(0,2))*/, Quaternion.identity); Destroy(gameObject); } } void ShowFlotingText() { var go = Instantiate(FlotingTextPrefab, transform.position, Quaternion.identity, transform); go.GetComponent().text = HP.ToString(); } public void Pause() { paused = !paused; if (paused) { rb.Sleep(); } else { rb.WakeUp(); } if (patrolScript) { patrolScript.Pause(); } else if (flyScript) { flyScript.Pause(); } else if (turretScript) { turretScript.Pause(); } else if (slamScript) { slamScript.Pause(); } else if (bossScript) { bossScript.Pause(); } if (shootScript) { shootScript.Pause(); } } private void OnDestroy() { HUDScript.pauseGame -= Pause; } }